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Results for "author_first: "Cynthia", author_last: "Bourgeault""
The Gospel of Thomas A complete "starter kit" on this remarkable text considered to be the earliest of Jesus' wisdom teachings.
InterSpiritual Wisdom An opportunity to study sacred texts from different traditions under the guidance of six pioneers of InterSpirituality.
Centering Prayer Teachings about a no-frills form of meditation which reconnects directly to Christianity’s hidden treasury of mystical wisdom.
Mystical Hope Today A quest to discover the mysterious, replenishing hope already available to us.
New Windows on The Cloud of Unknowing A new perspective on the classic mystical text demonstrating its profound relevance to a world in need.
Spiritual Gifts from the Imaginal Realm A 13-part program exploring the lost art of imaginal exchange — i.e., the giving and receiving of spiritual nurturance.
Thomas Keating's The Secret Embrace Reflections on Thomas Keating's eight final poems.
Becoming Truly Human: Gurdjieff's Obligolnian Strivings A Lenten study of George Ivanovich Gurdjieff's Five Strivings.
Teilhard for Our Times A view into the heart and vision of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.
A Simple Immediacy: Desert Wisdom for Advent Teachings from the Desert Fathers and Mothers on classic Advent themes.